The rivers of metal, sounds of banging and crashing,
People's taut faces, you could hear their teeth gnashing,
The buildings so tall, with faces so grey,
That loomed over all, blocking out the good day,
Vehicles creeping always endlessly beeping
People scurrying, their feet always hurrying
Lights changing colour the race starts again
With loud roars of noise that to ears are a pain
Few people talking, some occasionally balking,
Their prey for the day, the furtive ones stalking
Colours of clothes that the ladies do wear
Contrasting so sharply with men's grey suits so drear
Along pavements so full all the people do stream
Some all awake others like in a dream
To reach their destination, be it office or station
Every single long day, each one with depredation
Of travel to do amid the huge throng
They hurry along to the traffic's mad song
A few odd souls who have more than their share
Of life look around, sometimes just to stare
At brightly clad models in department store windows
At people in bus queues all waiting in rows
Then pressed on their way by the push of the crowd
They're sometimes pushed fast, other times slowed
The point of all this fuss and all of this bother
To make sure they all earn enough money together
To keep the wheels of commerce turning so sweet.
Then after their work 'tis back on the street
Lit up now at night by shop windows bright glitter
Painting the faces, but hiding the litter
That lies at the sides of the pavements so hard
Home to quick TV dinners, or food full of lard
To sleep, sometimes dream in their cute little beds
The clamour of city life still in their heads
How glad am I now that I no longer can
Take part in the street each morning began
I live now in quiet, for away from the city
Where traffic is scarcer, and streets are more pretty
And here is where I hope I'll finish my time
That's all folks, 'tis the end of my rhyme!